Biodegradeable HEMP straws | HEMPZOO
Did you know we have straws made of hemp?
Hemp straws are a game changer.
Biodegradable Hemp straws & Hempstraws Raw are the new eco alternative to single use plastic straws. If you care about our plants future then this simple option is a key part of changing the way our future impact plays out. We love our mother earth and its beautiful oceans and sea life. Now is your chance to start voting with your dollars by purchasing sustainable single use products like our eco friendly original hemp straws.

Why should we use biodegradable hemp straws?
The creation of Hempstraws Raw & The Original Hemp Straws was highly influenced by preserving sea life and those beautiful sea turtles. The video below shows the sad truth of where your single use plastic straws could end up. So remember, we do have eco options however its up to us to vote with our dollars to help sustain our mother earth and all of its inhabitants.
How much plastic is in the ocean?
According to National Geographic in 2015 Jenna Jambeck, an engineering professor from the University of Georgia with a rough estimate of 5.3 million to 14 million each year lands in the ocean from coastal regions. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a great example and measures 1.6 million square kilometers and the total estimated mass amounts to 80,000 tons!!
Together a small deed of using biodegradable, compostable hemp straws can make a huge impact to our planet.
Lets change single use plastic straws with Hemp Straws & Hempstraws Raw
And lets also replace plastic lanyards with natural hemp lanyards.
This is a great video below about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
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